Transmute your values, purposes and experiences

Into evocative copy and binge-worthy content that builds anticipation and gets people into action


Capture the secret sauce you bring to your clients with a memorable message that provokes curiosity.

As a Messaging + Marketing Magician, I use what I call Story Alchemy. We create your own magic formula that informs your copy, content strategy, and marketing. If you feel like writing your content and copy takes forever, this is the process that does some work upfront so you never have to stare down a blank page again.

story alchemy process story your secret sauce, audience psychology and listening,

Marketing Strategy Framework

Your marketing strategy should take into account three distinct elements: your story/unique differentiators, the frustrations and aspirations of your audience, and how your offer bridges the gap and highlights the transformation that clients experience from your approach. This helps clarify your unique positioning— the narrative that ties all your marketing decisions together into a cohesive foundation that grows your audience by building connection and empathy.

I think deeply about the emotions and challenges that your ideal customers are facing and let that be the focus of your marketing and messaging.

But we don’t start there. We start with your own values, beliefs, and purpose and how those have brought you to the work and make you and what you have to say unique. That way you’re not just chasing market trends.

If you’re struggling to get traction, this might be why

I often see business owners and founders who aren’t seeing the results that they’re expecting even after months.

They think if they can just outsource creating blogs, newsletters, or videos, then they’ll build an audience and attract ideal customers.

But creating nurture content is at the top of the pyramid. You have to ensure that your message is clear, you’re intentional with your strategy, and that you know how the flow of your funnel or customer journey leads people from the content you’re creating fits into the overall picture of your business.

My methods and marketing strategies hinge on these basic principles:

  • Informed consent

  • Empathy, not shame

  • Client attraction based on shared beliefs and values

  • Push back against marketing advice that tells you hustle and be online all of the time that leads to burnout and overwhelm

  • Your identity and your lived experiences matter. What makes you different from others is what your clients need.

Understand what your audience is amped up to learn from you

Once you unravel what sets you apart, you can leverage your strengths and story to understand what your fresh perspective on content that inspires, educates, and sparks conversation. I use nurture content and preview content such as workshops or challenges that bring your personalized teaching style so people know right away you’re the right fit for them. I take the concepts to the left and flesh out your calendar so you know how all of your marketing pieces fit together.

I DON’T believe in manufacturing scarcity or urgency to compel potential clients to make a decision before they’re ready.

I DON’T believe that you can give too much away in your free content– it just gives people momentum toward their desired result so they’re MORE likely to be a better fit.

I DO believe in writing aspirational, not agitational copy. I don’t use cheap persuasion tactics because people are not means to an end.

I DO believe in using funnels to give folks valuable education to make informed decisions without overwhelming them with information all at once.